Cee-Rock The Fury
Straight from Queens, Cee-Rock “The Fury” is back dropping more jewels. After touring all over the world, Cee-Rock stops to talk to WHO?MAG to tell us about his latest endeavors. |
Interview by Rob Schwartz |

WHO?MAG: Who is Cee-Rock “The Fury”?
Cee-Rock “The Fury”: Cee-Rock “The Fury” is a Q*Sector (Queens) native who grew up during the era and development of true Hip-Hop. It’s in his blood and it’s in his soul. He’s well respected and known for his furyous delivery and is know as the bro with da’ YOWZAH flow.
WHO?MAG: How did you first get into Hip-Hop?
Cee-Rock “The Fury”: I’ve been hooked since the very beginning. I grew up listening to the likes of Afrika Bambaataa & Soulsonic Force, Treacherous Three, The Disco Three (a.k.a. Fat Boys), The Fearless Four, Funky 4 Plus 1 More, Double Trouble, Jimmy Spicer (Dollar Bill, y’all), Rappin’ Duke (Da Ha Da Haaa), Kurtis Blow, Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five and of course Run-DMC. I knew this was a sound that couldn’t be denied.
WHO?MAG: What signifies the “Queens” side of hip-hop from the other boroughs?
Cee-Rock “The Fury”: Could be somethin’ in the water. Queens catz just know how to bring it. Not to say that other areas don’t add their ingredients to the table but Q*Sector tends to put quality emcees that has a global impact. We definitely made our mark as a borough and no rational person can challenge that.
WHO?MAG: Who was the “Da’ Linden Boulevarderz”?
Cee-Rock “The Fury”: I had came up with term ‘Linden Boulevarderz’. These were basically catz who rolled with the Linden Crew (which is the original name). These were the catz who literally lived on Linden or live maybe one block off. We all came up together since kidz. Linden is a strip that goes from Queens to Brooklyn and probably even further than that. Legends hang out here just like Sunset Strip in Hollywood. We also call it ‘Linden Strip’.
WHO?MAG: How did you first create your buzz overseas?
Cee-Rock “The Fury”: Made my first journey abroad in 1997. Caught a break with this artist named George. He was a singer and his album was comin’ out. I met him in a record store where he was promoting his release and signin’ autographs. I introduced myself and we exchanged contact info. He hit me back shortly afterwards to do a remix to a joint called “The Things You Do”. The song came out shortly afterward and it hit #14 on Sweden’s top 40 and charted on Billboard in the states as an import hit. My feature was considered a major contribution. Kept on my grind and things keep on jumpin’ off from there.
WHO?MAG: How did you get about getting distribution overseas?
Cee-Rock “The Fury”: I’m signed to a label (!Handzup!/Turmic Records) as well as management (Stellar Artist Managment) in Scandinavia. When my album finally came out, we submitted to various areas for possible distribution and licensing. One of the good things about being with an understanding independent label is that we can license our product in various areas and therefore crack into a new markets as well as new territories. I recently landed a distribution deal in South Africa through Mastermax Productions (MMX) and will be touring over there shortly. Finland, Austria, Australia and Japan have also taken interest in licensing/distribution.
WHO?MAG: What makes the Cee-Rock “The Fury” sound different from other emcees?
Cee-Rock “The Fury”: What probably stands about me the most is that I personally don’t use vulgarity in my music. That alone bugs a lotta catz out. For the simple fact that I deliver with such an lyrical impact without vulgarity is impressive. I have a great vocabulary and I know how to use it. My vocal tone and delivery stands out from the rest plus it adds dimension to my character. That was a choice that I stick by to this very day. Catz couldn’t understand why I just wouldn’t just go with the flow and do what everybody is doin’. Now, I think they are finally gettin’ the full picture and understanding about me and how I roll. Besides, nobody rocks the ‘fury’ like Cee-Rock “The Fury”.
WHO?MAG: How did you link up with Tah Phrum Da Bush & Coole High?
Cee-Rock “The Fury”: We all met a few years ago at the WonderTwinZ monthly networking party. We all grind and network to the fullest capacity. We all started building off of each other and the rest is history. I guess great minds think alike even though we are totally different in every way possible. In fact, we’re so different we decided to start a crew together based on that concept. We are collectively know as 3DA. Breakdown of the name: 3 Dyfferent Anglez. This describes us to a tee. We all produce, we all write our own material and we all have ridiculous flow.
WHO?MAG: What’s next for Cee-Rock “The Fury”?
Cee-Rock “The Fury”: I have a sick follow-up album that’s finished. I plan to tour South Africa for the first time (I have a commercial airing over there on primetime television right now) as well as other parts of Europe that I haven’t been to yet. I’m in talks about designing a video game and playin’ a major part in the development. More collaboration project featuring me will be out this year and I plan to hit the mixtape circuit pretty heavy. Oh yeah…expect to hear some joints in the future with me and the legendary Percee-P. We go waaaay back and used to spit lyrics together all the time. We’re comin’ with da’ ruckus. I’m also gonna be featured on K-Laz & Soul Supreme’s album (collectively know as the ‘Last Days Of Disco’), Atjazz’s album in the UK (on Mantis Recordings) and I’m reppin’ on DJ Phantom’s album in France (on La Baleine/Serial Recordings). There’s more stew cookin’ but that’s enough we’ll save that for another interview.
WHO?MAG: Anything else you want to add or any last words?
Cee-Rock “The Fury”: I wanna thank Who?Mag for takin’ the time out to interview a brotha. ‘Nuff respect goes out to Q*Sector (Queens), Flow Federation, Percee-P, Mikey D, Self-1, DJ Vic Nice, DJ Phantom, DJ Grazzhoppa, B.A.N.A.N.A. Movement, Nation, Linden Boulevarderz, DJ Haste Precision, Da’ Faction, Squadron Supreme, Critical, DJ Kid Skraam, C-Style (IMG/Universal), The Wondertwinz, Mazy, Thug Style, Mastermax Productions (MMX), Taboo, Highlife, Timid, 3DA, MobDesinz, Coole High, Tah Phrum Duh Bush, Sena, Gimmeshot, DJ Suly-K, Dyce, Doujah Raze, Cadence, Davey Dex, Soul Supreme, K-Laz, The Last Days of Disco, Six Point Entertainment, South Africa, Metro FM, L.O.V.E. Allah, Chino XL, DJ Tbo Touch, Black Jewelz (a.k.a. J-Rock Da’ Lyrikill Terrah), Benelux, UK, Scandinavia, USA and every other entity which supported me through all my journies, trials and tribulations. Headz who miss that true essence of Hip-Hop need to go cop my BRINGIN’ DA’ YOWZAH!!! album. Go check me out at www.HandzupRecords.com and www.TurmicRecords.com. Headz can also show some luv and hit me up at www.MySpace.com/CeeRockTheFury. One!