Ja Rule
We have all heard about the highly publicized beef between Ja Rule and 50 Cent, but usually just from 50’s point of view. We have the EXCLUSIVE interview where Ja breaks down step-by-step what REALLY happened that night in the studio with 50 and the REAL deal with the INC. The full interview will be available on WHO?MAG DVD Vol. #2 coming soon. In the meanwhile, check out part of the interview we did w/ Ja Rule at the 100.3 Behind the Beats in Philly.
Interview by Rob Schwartz

WHO?MAG: So right now we are here with 100.3 doing the Behind The Beats session. What are you planning to do here tonight?
Ja Rule: Yeah, I’m here with 100.3 The Beat. I’m doing a little behind the scenes. A little session for the people. It’s all love. It’s real.
WHO?MAG: So tell us something about the latest album that you have out?
Ja Rule: The latest album is crazy. It’s in stores now. It’s the latest project I been working on. It’s about to go down. Stay tuned! It’s about to get real crazy.
WHO?MAG: So we hear a lot of rumors ciculating with your label. Are you still down with The INC?
Ja Rule: Oh yeah, I’m still with The INC. I just fulfilled my last album. It’s a really good situation. Right now, it’s The Inc Empire.
WHO?MAG: Do you have any advice for upcoming artist trying to break into the hip-hop game?
Ja Rule: Yeah. It’s a tough business. Just try to stay focused. Make sure you get your paper. Just stay above the curve. Stay innovative. Try different things. If you do all of that, you will be alright.
WHO?MAG: The music industry has been going through a few trials and tribulations. Say about ten years from now, what direction do you see the music industry heading?
Ja Rule: It’s hard to say. It changes so rapidly. I feel that just next year, the music industry will be completely 360. That’s just how it is, do you know what I mean? Ten years, who knows?
WHO?MAG: So can you tell us what’s next for the INC?
Ja Rule: There are a lot of new artist with a lot of new flavor about to come out. We have all different kinds of new artists. We have some new west coast flavor. You guys need to stay tuned. We have a lot of crazy things about to go down.
WHO?MAG: So can you tell us who the INC is about to release?
Ja Rule: We have a young lady from LA called Destiny who’s real hot. We have Fatal Hussein from the Outlaws. We have an artist named Boxy who is an R&B cat. He’s bananas. He is only sixteen. We have a few more things. We have a few more secrets. I really don’t want to talk about it. It’s about to drop real heavy on the public. I don’t want them to catch that in all one dosage. I don’t want to pump it up before it hits.