Nic Fanciulli
UK DJ/producer Nic Fanciulli talks about it his latest double mix CD on Global Underground. Plus read how he got on the label and his thoughts on this year’s Winter Music Conference. |
By William Hernandez |

WHO?MAG: How do you feel about this year’s Winter Music Conference?
Nic Fanciulli : It’s good I’ve been coming here for 9 years and each year I throw a party. It’s always to have a great time.
WHO?MAG: How did you hook up with Global Underground?
Nic Fanciulli : Basically me and Angie, who runs Global Underground, hooked up in Ibiza last summer. We were talking about doing a feature or compilation together and it came from that really.
WHO?MAG: What can we expect on the double mix compilation?
Nic Fanciulli : The compilation is a wide range of what I play in the club. It’s a wide range from Deep House all the way through Techno to Dub Set to some Ambient on there as well.
WHO?MAG: Who are some of your influences?
Nic Fanciulli : Sasha, Andy C, DJ Zig.
WHO?MAG: What equipment do you use?
Nic Fanciulli : I use Traxster and in the studio I use Logic.
WHO?MAG: What other projects are you working on?
Nic Fanciulli : The main project is the GU CD. For the next 6 months we’re going to be touring that. The range is wide of the last 10 years what I have on those CDs.